
評分3.0(2)·免費·WindowsParkdaleletyougetthereadandwritespeedfromyourharddisks,cdromdevicesandnetworkservers.Youcanstartaspeedtestondisks,cdromsandnetwork ...,Parkdaleー一種在各種條件下測試硬盤性能的實用程序。該軟件有助於確定從硬盤驅動器,USB驅動器,光盤或網絡連接中記錄和讀取數據的速度。Parkdale包含一種比較可用磁盤 ...,Parkdaleisafreeutilitythatallowsyoutogetthereadandwritespeedfromyourharddisk...

Parkdale for Windows

評分 3.0 (2) · 免費 · Windows Parkdale let you get the read and write speed from your harddisks, cdrom devices and network servers. You can start a speed test on disks, cdroms and network ...

下載Parkdale 3.03

Parkdaleー一種在各種條件下測試硬盤性能的實用程序。該軟件有助於確定從硬盤驅動器,USB驅動器,光盤或網絡連接中記錄和讀取數據的速度。 Parkdale包含一種比較可用磁盤 ...

Download Parkdale

Parkdale is a free utility that allows you to get the read and write speed from your harddisks, CD-ROM devices, and network servers in Kilobyte or Megabyte ...


Parkdale is a reliable disk benchmarking tool which tests the performance of both hard drive read and write speeds as well as the testing of CD-ROM and DVD ...


一共分為三種測試方式:. QuickAccess:快速測試; FileAccess:檔案測試; BlockAccess:磁區測試. 往下一一來看。 01.

Parkdale - Measure read and write speed

Get the read and write speed from your harddisks, cd-rom devices and network servers in Kilobyte, Megabyte or even Gigabyte per Second.

Download:超輕巧硬碟效能測試工具– Parkdale

您可以使用超輕巧硬碟效能測試工具Parkdale 來測試您的硬碟效能。 閱讀全文 開放原始碼的重組工具~MyDefrag提升您的電腦速度磁碟重組這個名詞,從以前 ...

[PC] Parkdale簡易快速測試硬碟讀寫速度


Parkdale 3.07 - Download, Review, Screenshots

評分 4.5 (66) · 免費 · Windows Parkdale is a small application that lets you measure how fast your computer can read and write data to a hard drive, SSD, USB or even a network drive.

超輕巧硬碟效能測試工具- Parkdale

Parkdale 是一款專注於硬碟效能測試的小巧精美(約1.3 MB) 綠色軟體,它發行至今受到許多媒體及電腦雜誌公開推薦及評選為五星級的工具軟體例如 Softpedia ...